An interdisciplinary journal of North East India Studies - a UGC CARE Listed journal

ISSN : 2347-2669

Current Issue

Past Issues


The GUINEIS Journal is an annual peer reviewed journal published by the Gauhati University Institute of North East India Studies (GUINEIS). It is dedicated to the study of North East India and encourages both theoretically engaged and field research based papers. The North East has strategic national importance as it shares borders with four other countries namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, China and Myanmar. The region itself is a colorful mosaic of people, culture and languages. Systematic and scientific study of the region's geography, natural resources, history, economy, ethnicity, languages and cultures is both a necessity and a challenge. Its historical marginality, growing strategic and cultural visibility and potential significance in the life of the nation are aspects that the Gauhati University Institute of North East India (GUINEIS) seeks to research and project, and with this end in view the GUINEIS journal seeks to promote interdisciplinary research on the land, nature, history, politics, economy and people of Northeast India.

Guidelines for Authors

  • All submissions should be original and previously unpublished, not be submitted to any other journal for consideration and be free of plagiarized material. Besides papers, proposals for the archival piece and the interview/ conversation should be sent to the Editor at

  • All submissions should be neatly typed in MS Word using A4 page dimensions and 1 inch margins on all sides, in Times New Roman, 12-point font size and line spacing of 1.5.

  • The journal follows the APA format and uses Endnotes followed by a list of alphabetized References containing all works cited in the paper. Notes should be kept to a minimum and used only when information or other material cannot be accommodated in the body of the paper. In-text references must be in the APA format.

  • All responsibility relating to the data, interpretation, observation and comments furnished in the paper/review will be with the writer(s) of the paper/review only. The piece being submitted should not carry the name of the writer or any other identifying information in its main body. All such information including the name(s) of the writer(s), designation(s), institutional affiliation(s), and email id(s) should be given on a separate page. The paper should have an Abstract of around 300 words and should be followed by five or six Key words (excluding the words appearing in the title).

  • There are provisions for attaching black and white or colored tables, graphs, diagrams, maps and photographs in the paper but these must be free of copyright issues, or if taken from other print or online publications, be duly referenced. The journal will not be responsible for the violation of copyright by individual authors.

  • The journal does not charge any fee for publication.

Peer Review Policy

Papers may be submitted on previously unexplored topics concerning North East India as a whole as well as the individual states. The Journal publishes articles (5000-8000 words), work in progress (5000 words), and a selected piece from the archive on the NE (with an introduction), reviews (1500-2000 words), review essay (3000-5000 words), and an interview / conversation with an individual who has been involved as an observer or a participant with the region. Proposals for the Interview / Conversation and the piece from the archive that we carry may be taken up with the Editor at

The GUINEIS journal is published in March every year. Papers for publication are received throughout the year. However, for a given issue papers must reach the editor by October 30th so that there is ample time for the two-tiered review process and revisions to take place before final submission.

Papers submitted to the Journal will be reviewed first by the Editorial Board, and if found to be in line with the focus of the Journal, and in the opinion of the editorial team merit further consideration, these will be sent on for the double-blind peer review process.

Soft copies of papers may be emailed to For further details, see Guidelines for Authors.

Guidelines for peer reviewers

Peer reviewers are requested to kindly state the following:

  • Whether the author has identified an issue either in the way of introducing the subject or in articulating a specific research question.

  • Whether the literature cited while contextualizing the subject is relevant or the author needs to be drawn to other work.

  • Whether the data used if any have been appropriately sourced.

  • Whether the analytical framework is adequate for the argument

  • Whether conclusions and suggestions have been logically extracted from the analysis

  • Whether the language requires significant polishing

Ethics Policy

For Authors

  1. The author(s) must ensure that all research work submitted is original and with complete references and that all authors are represented accurately.

  2. In case of papers with joint authorship of two or more persons, one of the authors is designated as the corresponding author, who shall be deemed by the publisher and editor as fully responsible for the authorship of the paper and for all communication concerning the ethical status and originality of the paper.

  3. The author(s) must openly disclose the source of all data and third party material used for preparing the paper.

  4. The author(s) must identify any third party material that they intend to include in their article, and obtain written permission for re-use in each instance from the relevant copyright holders. Such permissions should be submitted once the manuscript is accepted.

  5. The author(s) must openly disclose any conflict of interest.

  6. The author(s) must understand that once published in the GUINES Journal the copyright of the published material rests with the publisher. However, in the event of the author wishing to republish the piece in a book or in any other form, due permission must be sought and received from the Editor of the Journal in writing.

  7. The author(s) must understand that the editorial team of the Journal is entitled to scan submissions using plagiarism detection software.

  8. The author(s) must fully correspond and comply with the Editor and publisher in any requests for sourced data, proof of authorship or originality in a timely manner, providing reasonable explanation for discrepancies of failures to disclose vital information.

  9. The author(s) must fully cooperate with any consequent investigations if the Editor and/or publisher are dissatisfied with the evidence available or the explanation provided.

  10. The author(s) must understand that articles found to be unethical, misleading or damaging will be retracted.

For the Editor

  1. The Editor/s will work towards keeping the Journal’s focus on North East India and associated interdisciplinary and area studies concerns always in view in accepting papers for publication.

  2. Constantly work towards improving the quality of this journal.

  3. Ensure that only quality material is published.

  4. Enable freedom of expression.

  5. Maintain the double blind peer review process scrupulously and communicate reviewers’ comments to authors for improvement of their essays/articles.

  6. Be accessible to authors and be responsive to any queries that may arise on any aspect of the Journal and its policies.

  7. Always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

For Peer Reviewers

  1. Respect the confidentiality of peer review and not reveal any details of a manuscript or of the review.

  2. Not use information obtained during the peer review process for their own or any other person's or organization’s advantage, or to the disadvantage or discredit others.

  3. Declare all potential conflicting interests.

  4. Not allow their reviews to be influenced by any personal preferences or ideological positions or by commercial considerations.

  5. Be objective and constructive in their reviews and refrain from making negative comments if a paper is not found satisfactory.

  6. Undertake to review a paper in time keeping in mind time constraints of the annual publication.

  7. Authors and peer reviewers may also refer to the COPE Guidelines at